
한·중 워크숍 : 비정규근로 실태와 정책과제

DC Field Value Language
dc.title.alternative KLI-CALSS Workshop on non-standard workers and policy directions -
dc.contributor.author 한국노동연구원 -
dc.contributor.author 중국노동보장과학연구원 -
dc.date.issued 2001 -
dc.date.modified 2013-07-23 -
dc.type Conference -
dc.type.local 학술발표 -
dc.type.other 토론회/세미나 -
dc.subject.keyword 워크숍 -
dc.subject.keyword 비정규근로실태 -
dc.subject.keyword NON-STANDARD WORKER -
dc.subject.keyword NON STANDARD WORKER -
dc.subject.keyword INFORMAL EMPLOYMENT -
dc.description.tableofcontents Table of Contents [Opening Speech] Dr. Wonduck Lee (President, KLI) Dr. Xiaobao Tian (Presidint, CALSS) [Session I] What Have We Learned About Alternative Employment Arrangement in Korea : Definition, Trends and Their Characteristics (Joyup Ahn) Informal Employment in China (Yue Guo) [Session II] Social Protection Program and Policy Alternatives for Non-standard Workers in Korea (Soh- Young Kim) Protection of Rights and Interests of Workers in Flexible Employment and Promotion for the Development of Diversified Employment Forms (Yanbin Liu) -
dc.description.statementofresponsibility 한국노동연구원 중국노동보장과학연구원 共編 -
dc.publisher.location kor -
dc.language eng -
dc.format.medium 보통인쇄매체 -
dc.format.extent 128 p -
dc.rights.accessRights Free access -
dc.rights.rightsHolder 한국노동연구원 -
dc.rights.license CCL_BY_NC_ND -
dc.rights.license KOGL_BY_NC_ND -
dc.relation.ispartofseries 세미나 ; 2001-10 -
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학술발표 > 세미나/토론회/포럼
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